Trust issues

Trust issues can affect each day that passes by, on multiple levels. However aware I might be, it seems that this is a muddy rut, from which is impossible to escape.
As a person that gets motivated easily, having bold initiative and not asking too much the opinion of other people, I can end up taking counter productive decisions or find myself in overwhelming events.
Our mental states are in a continuous evolution and sometimes we might feel ok without asking for anyone's help, or think that we could also manage without, but sometimes trusting someone to genuinely bring a helpful opinion from an unbiased perspective, could very often be a life safer, without even realizing it.
I sometimes think too late, I should have asked this friend, or that other friend. But in the heat of the moment, I'm either too afraid to bother, or i do not trust enough that people think about me.
Trust it is an attribute that is very important, to trust in yourself and to be able to trust in other people, it seems as quite an utopia.
Unfortuantely many of us had been heart broken, got betrayed by the closest friends, or got too close to manipulative people.
Given this experiences and nevertheless, the socio political status quo, one might think that, trust is something that generally doesn t exist.
In certain moments, we might find those who make us feel understood.
Someone who would value you, naked under the sun.
I for one, don't care about what people dress like, what they look like, how it would make me look if I was friend with them. 
Because we live in a world that is too fast, it seems like no one is patient enough to listen to real emotions. The worst thing someone said to me, while they were in a worse place, I cannot remember exactly the words but it was that many people experienced the same thing. 
I'm not sure if I can think of a more hurtful dissonance, I'm still healing, one day I hope that, even in a fake world, I will be able to overcome trust issues.
